AMF-Bruns Competence Centre for Mobility Safety
The newly founded, independent AMF-Bruns Research & Development Company, has opened a centre of excellence for comprehensive research, safety tests and product development in Apen, Germany.
The safety of every wheelchair occupant is a top priority at AMF-Bruns and is central to all innovations. AMF-Bruns converts vehicles and manufactures equipment designed to fit the needs of people with limited mobility. This includes occupant & wheelchair restraint systems, head & backrests, aluminium system floor and single seats which guarantee safety when
driving. Various wheelchair lifts, ramps and steps facilitate vehicle access. Every AMF-Bruns product is thoroughly tested, subject to strict quality controls and compliance with the relevant EU directives.
Over 60 years of experience and expertise in the field of vehicle technology for people with disabilities have been the best prerequisite for the foundation of the new AMF-Bruns Research & Development Company.
AMF-Bruns R&D is an independent company focusing on research and development in the mobility field. The centrepiece of the competence centre is a dynamic crash test facility with sled system and state-of-the-art instruments. The high-performance sled technology makes it possible to simulate and realistically depict accident scenarios. Here, amongst others, testing
organisations, automobile manufacturers, vehicle converters or manufacturers of belt systems and car seats can test the safety of their products.
AMF-Bruns R&D offers bundled competence in the field of vehicle safety. Thus, test facilities for dynamic crash tests and static tensile tests are located together with product development and vehicle design under one roof.