Euromobility SL

Euromobility's mission is to enhance the lives of those challenged by limited mobility people, offering a wide range of in-car technical solutions to increase their independence.

The latest driving solutions (hand controls) to make possible to drive a car again and feel the freedom that it means.

Safety and comfortable solutions for public and private transportation to make easier on every day of handicapped people.

Based in Spain, Euromobility offers technical aids for disabled people directly from the headquarters in Barcelona or through an extended workshop’s network that runs as a dealer net around Spain covering all our national territory, including Balear and Canary islands.

Get in touch


C/ Costa i Deu, 87-89
08205 Sabadell Barcelona


Josep Hinojosa, CEO

[email protected]

Aurelio Fernández, Managing Director

[email protected]

Esther Loriente, Account Manager

[email protected]

Toni Medina, Marketing and Product Manager

[email protected]

Miguel Domínguez, Technical Manager

[email protected]