
In a globalised world it is our goal to enhance people’s mobility. We achieve this goal by providing a full range of highly reliable (e)mobility solutions that meet passengers’ needs, whether they travel in a wheelchair or not.

Our innovation talents are focussed on the development of products that put quality and efficiency, customers’ demands and passengers’ wishes first. We have developed a new standard for passenger transport with our wheelchair restraint system TriflexAIR that is fully integrated in the floor. While the foundation of our company lies in the Netherlands, our ambition is to broaden our horizon and direct our sales focus onto the international market, aiming to become one of the leading minibus manufacturers in the world.

Visit our website for more information and an impression of our product range.

Get in touch


Proostwetering 71
3543 AC Utrecht


Iddo Verweij, Managing Director

[email protected]

Herman Rigterink, Director Technology

[email protected]

Bas Verboord, Salesmanager Europe

[email protected]