Allied Vehicles is honoured to achieve PSA Groupe’s Quality Certificate Level 3 for all of our wheelchair accessible vehicles, taxis and minibus conversion activities following the assessment performed by Bureau Veritas on behalf of PSA Groupe.

This new level three certificate proves Allied Vehicles holds a high level of management throughout the whole development of our conversions. We now hold certain advantages over those without the certification, including, recommendations from PSA brands in the UK as well as across the countries we operate in and can support PSA Groupe’s business.

An Additional Accreditation

Not only do we hold this coveted certificate from PSA Groupe but in addition our spacious Ford Freedom model achieved Ford’s QVM accreditation back in 2017. The Quality Vehicle Modifier programme is Ford’s scheme for acknowledging and supporting brilliance in vehicles conversions and has been running for the past 32 years after commencing in America.

Work began back in 2016 and was a long process before things started to come together. From the recruitment of a dedicated quality engineer to assessments of every stage of the manufacturing process, our team had to work extremely hard to achieve this accreditation.

The entire operation of creating our Ford Freedom was inspected by Ford assessors, from receiving the base model into our yard to methods used in the production hall and quality control. In addition to this, the inspectors looked at our warranty system, parts provisions and customer care ensuring we ticked the box at every stage.

Collaboration for Success

These accreditations show that both PSA and Ford are extremely happy with us as a conversion company and that we are continuously carrying out our conversions to the high standards that they set. A vast number of employees were involved in full audits of the company and our conversions and those who participated have learned a lot along the way.

After a long journey and a lot of hard work from our teams, there’s no doubt that the wheelchair accessible cars we produce here at Allied Vehicles are of an extremely high and consistent standard.

Allied production